

Thursday, September 12, 2013

after dark

My husband and I don’t get to go out very often. When you are a parent of young children you are often inside your house by the time it gets dark. There are times when I am totally freaked out driving at night because it happens so rarely. It’s like I need to relearn how to do it. It reminds me of the reaction 17-month-old S had when we drove around in December looking at Christmas lights. It was a mix of awe and terror. He would squeal, point, and scream, “light!!!” Can you imagine what their little brains are thinking? I don’t shout, “light!” when driving at night but I’ve thought it.
Anyway, B and I got to go out after dark last week. And we got to dress up! I felt like a million bucks after having my hair and make-up done by a friend (thanks, JH). Add a borrowed dress and jewelry (thanks, sis). Shoes and purse I already owned. (Did I mention that I am frugal?) B owns a tux, too, so we both got swanky and headed out with free tickets (donated to us by a group at the hospital) to a black-tie charity event called Treads and Threads at the Speedway. Hence, the race car in the photo. So the grand total of our romantic evening of wine, food, and dancing was $60 for the babysitter (plus the gas to get there). A night out with my Prince Charming under the stars? Priceless.

Postscript: I knew that I’d found my soul mate after seeing this man get down on the dance floor. Hubby’s got moves.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

the last first day of preschool

It was a big day for us last Friday. Miss E finally got to return to preschool, one of her favorite places on the planet (on par with Grandma's house, Dominican Republic, and Chip-n-Dip restaurants). She launched out of bed and waited at her special spot at the table until I came down to make her breakfast. She was dressed and ready with more than an hour to spare. So I got to take her outdoors for some photos... something we both enjoy.

S wasn't clueing-in that this was her photo shoot.

So I gave him some camera time. Who wouldn't want to capture those chubby cheeks?

And... he still didn't get the hint once we arrived at school.

E wears her emotions on her sleeve. No poker face (or Old Maid face, in her case). You can tell she is quite peeved at this point. Haha! But we got the mission-critical shots with her beloved cousin and partner-in-crime, A, and with my beautiful sister. How lucky are we that we live ten minutes from each other and have daughters the same age!? (And her son and Baby S are only one year apart.) Blessed indeed.

They will not go to Kindergarten together next year. Not even the same school district. [sniff, sniff] We haven't really told them this. So my sister and I will cherish these sweet preschool years ~ when we ushered off our girls, arm-in-arm, to school.