

Friday, March 21, 2014

incriminating evidence

So, you know you had a really good time on your vacation when you get the photos back from Walgreens… Yes, I just said that I got photos from WALGREENS. Remember when you/me/everyone used to do that? And you waited, in suspense, for your precious roll of film? Well, I’m just really cool and retro like that. Actually, I bought a cheap, underwater camera to take photos on an excursion in the Dominican Republic last November.
So I find the disposable camera in a pile of stuff last week. “Oh yeah! The underwater camera! Wonder what is on the film? Let’s take it to WALGREENS and wait and see.” The clerk asked me if I wanted the negatives. (I’m not kidding.) I chose disc. I picked up the disc a few days later.
Then. This happened.

Sure. That could happen. I’m not fond of snakes but I’m not super-scared of them either. (A long time ago I pet-sitted a snake... in my apartment.) But I don’t remember it and that is the really creepy part. I don’t remember holding a large albino snake. I remember everything before that – swimming with sharks, rays, seals, the boat, snorkeling, happy hour (see Exhibit A), chicken-fighting (Exhibit B), but the snake... not so much. The rest of the photos on that camera were real gems, let me tell you, but none as surprising as the snake photos (Brian had one, too!). In my defense, it was my last night in my 30s and I was spending it on a boat with my soulmate on a beautiful Caribbean island so perhaps random snake-posing is allowed. 

Exhibit A.
Try not to be distracted by the Russian gentleman wearing a Speedo.


Exhibit B

footnote: B and I were safely delivered to our resort after this
super-fun day of sun, sharks, and snakes by a shuttle bus. 

I am not proud that I overindulged in beer on this occasion. I share this story because I know that the four of you who read my blog would get a chuckle out the comedy of picking up photos at Walgreens to be greeted by an albino snake. That is the part that is worth sharing.